Careers for Economics Graduates

American Economic Association (AEA) provides a wealth of information for economics majors. Students who are interested in learning about economics profession, government and not-for-profits, economic consulting, career earnings and the corporate world, should consult the AEA Careers in Economics web-page.

Skills of Economics Majors

The fundamental objective of the economics program is to teach students a method of reasoning and to demonstrate its application to economic issues throughout the world. Upon graduation, economics majors are:

  • Well-versed in the major domestic and international economic phenomena;
  • Able to explain these phenomena using the analytical tools invoked by practicing economists;
  • Able to conduct research on and analysis of policy and business issues rigorously and creatively;
  • Able to evaluate critically the economic research of others;
  • Effective writers and speakers; and
  • Exceptionally well prepared for graduate study in law, management, or public policy.

Occupational Opportunities

The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes an annual report on the career options for Economists in the American economy in its Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Students find that the major provides an excellent stepping stone for jobs in the private sector, including careers as investment bankers, financial analysts, insurance brokers, consultants, economic analysts, statisticians, trade specialists, trade researchers, and business managers. Students also continue on in careers in public service, including careers with the Department of Commerce, the Federal Reserve Board, the Department of Labor, the Treasury Department, and the Department of Agriculture.

Past Georgetown Economics majors have gone on to graduate school and are now professors at Boston College, Boston University, University of Oregon, Penn State, University of Rochester, Rutgers, University of Wisconsin, Yale, and other schools. The list of non-academic institutions that hire PhD economists includes most government agencies, international organizations (e.g., The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund), and various research/consulting firms.

For More Information

Economics department maintains a list of various opportunities related to jobs, internships, pre-doc and research assistant positions that may be of interest to undergraduate economics students. Click here for the latest announcements.

For information about career options, internships and full-time opportunities students can also contact the Cawley Career Education Center. For more information about the major and degree requirements, consult our Majors Requirements page.