Minor in Economics

A minor in Economics at Georgetown University requires the completion of seven courses in Economics. Of the seven economics courses, at least four must be taken in the Economics department at Georgetown.

Requirements for the Minor in Economics

Note: Effective Fall 2023, all main campus courses have been renumbered using a new 4-digit numbering system.


Principles of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (2 courses)

  • ECON 1001 (Principles of Microeconomics)
  • ECON 1002 (Principles of Macroeconomics)

Students with a score of 5 on the AP exam in Microeconomics and/or Macroeconomics will earn credit for the corresponding Principles course(s). Students with a score of 6 or 7 on the IB Higher Level (HL) exam in Economics will earn credit for both Principles courses. 

ECON 1003 (Principles of Economics: Micro & Macro combined) may be taken instead of 1001 and 1002 (but not by students who have already taken ECON 1001 and/or 1002, or who have received course credit via AP or IB). Students who take ECON 1003 instead of 1001 and 1002 will be required to take an additional economics elective, to bring the total number of courses taken to seven.

Mathematics for Economics (1 course)

  • ECON 1357 (Mathematics for Economics)

Calculus is a prerequisite for all 2000-level economics courses.

ECON-1357 is a corollary requirement* for all 1000-level economics courses
* This course may also count toward another major or minor requirement in addition to the Economics minor

MATH 1360 (Calculus II) or equivalent AP or IB credit is an acceptable substitute for ECON 1357.

Intermediate Microeconomics or Macroeconomics (1 course)

  • ECON-2101 (Intermediate Microeconomics) or ECON-2102 (Intermediate Macroeconomics)

Statistics (1 course)

  • ECON 2110 (Economic Statistics) or any of the following statistics courses in other disciplines: GOVT 2201, INAF 3200, MATH 2140 or OPAN 2101

Students interested in taking ECON 3001 (Econometrics) as an elective must take ECON 2110 or MATH 2140 as a prerequisite for that course.

Economic Electives (2 courses)

  • Two (2) Economics electives above the 2000 level.
  • Students who took ECON 1003 instead of 1001 and 1002 must take 3 economics electives
  • The Department maintains a list of our course descriptions and their prerequisites.
    Note: not all courses are offered each semester, check with the Georgetown Schedule for the current semester’s listing.

Grading Rules

In general, only free electives may be taken pass/fail. Courses fulfilling core or major/minor/certificate requirements must be taken for a letter grade (unless the course is only offered on a pass/fail basis). Students may take courses in core curriculum fields of study as electives, on a pass/fail basis, after they have already fulfilled that core requirement. Similarly, students who wish to take a course in their major or minor field of study on a pass/fail basis may do so only after all requirements for that major or minor have been fulfilled. Those seeking an exception to this rule must consult the relevant director of undergraduate studies or program director. If the pass/fail option is approved by exception, the course will not, under any circumstances, count in the major or minor.

Undergraduate Bulletin

Notes for SFS Students

  • At most two courses can be double-counted between the SFS Economics Core and the Economics Minor. i.e. Students who take ECON 1001 and 1002 (or fulfill either or both by AP or other credits) will double-count these with the Minor, and will not be able to double-count ECON-2542/2543/2544 [formerly ECON 242/243/244]
  • Students who take ECON-1003 will double-count this with the Minor, and additionally double-count one course among ECON-2542/2543/2544
  • No courses may double-count between a major and a minor
  • Students who take one of the statistics courses above to fulfill a major requirement will be required to take another additional economics elective for the Minor