Virtual Conference on US-Chinese Relations, 1/15-19/24, App Deadline 12/2/23

Posted in Undergrad Opportunities

Posted on 11/14/23: I am emailing to invite students from Economics at Georgetown to take part in a virtual conference for undergraduates to work on projects pertaining to US-China relations in global development and policies, social issues, and cultural exchange. The conference will be held over Zoom from Jan 15 to Jan 19, 2024, for a group of selected students from top universities in both the US and China. 

This will be an excellent opportunity for students interested in global development and policies, social issues, public health, sustainability, and cultural exchange. Professors from universities such as Harvard, Stanford and Oxford and industry professionals from relevant fields will give guest lectures, and students will develop a project of their choice under the guidance of our mentors. As we are approaching the application deadline of December 2nd, we would love to see more students from Georgetown at the conference.

I was wondering if you could share this opportunity with your students who might be interested and encourage them to apply at this link

Detailed Conference Information:  

Application Link: