Fellowship Opportunities for Current Students and Alumni

Posted in Undergrad Opportunities

Posted on 10/19/23: Hudson Institute Political Studies offers an undergraduate Summer Fellowship  in the theory and practice of politics as well as a graduate-level Policy Certificate Program  on current issues in American foreign and domestic policy.

We are pleased to be seeking applicants for both our Summer Fellowship and our current Policy Certificate workshop “On War: Thucydides and Current Strategic Dilemmas.” I have included more information about both programs below––if you would kindly share this with interested parties associated with your department, I am sure they would be excellent candidates.

You may nominate candidates you would believe would be particularly interested here: https://hudsonpoliticalstudies.org/ . Please note a nomination is not required for candidates to apply.

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Apply to Hudson Institute Political Studies

Opportunities available for undergraduates, recent graduates, and early to mid-career professionals.

Hudson Institute Political Studies offers an education in political theory and practice that broadens and deepens understanding of public policy and American political principles. By studying the most consequential ideas of the greatest political minds, students seek to determine—and meet—the demands of a free society and a just republic. Political Studies includes two core programs: an undergraduate Summer Fellowship in theory and practice and a graduate level Policy Certificate Program on pressing current issues.

Policy Certificate Program

For graduate students and early to mid-career professionals

The Hudson Institute Political Studies Policy Certificate Program gathers talented early to mid-career professionals for advanced study of public policy and national security led by policy experts and experienced government officials. Each of the workshops covers a distinct region or topic ranging across American foreign and domestic policy.  Workshops feature Hudson Institute experts and take place in Washington DC, Thursday through Sunday during select weeks.

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Course Description

 Thucydides is thought to be the first and greatest teacher of power, of the facts that might makes right, and that wars begin as a consequence of fear. Thinkers from Thomas Hobbes to proponents of modern “realist” schools of international relations invoke his name.  But what are his teachings, exactly? And what can he tell us about modern warfare? In this workshop, certificate candidates will study Thucydides’ great history of the Peloponnesian War with a series of foundational questions in mind: What is the nature of power, and of war? How do wars start? What role do domestic politics and “ideology” play in foreign policy? In our discussions and final simulation, we will explore whether his actual teachings are applicable to current grand strategic dilemmas—and if so, how.
Preview of Seminars
Naval Powers vs. Land PowersElements of StatesmanshipGovernmental Regime and Foreign PolicyFinal applications are due November 3

Apply for Graduate-Level Policy Certificate

Summer Fellowship

For undergraduates and recent graduates

Hudson Institute Political Studies offers top undergraduates and recent graduates a Summer Fellowship in political theory and practice that broadens and deepens the understanding of public policy and American political principles. The Fellowship combines rigorous study of politics and political thought through week-long seminars led by master teachers, policy workshops featuring think tank experts and experienced government officials, and a distinguished speaker series of exemplary figures from public life. Seminars examine Plato’s Republic, Machiavelli’s The Prince, and Shakespeare’s The Tempest, along with selections from the Federalist Papers, the speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, and current scholarship on American foreign policy. 

Our 2024 Summer Fellowship will run from June 16th to July 26th. Students participate free of charge, are given complimentary accommodations, and receive a $3,000 stipend.

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Program Elements

Rigorous seminars led by master teachers on topics in political theory and public policy. Each of the six, week-long seminars students will take during the program engage them in serious discussion of foundational political texts.

A series of policy workshops led by policy analysts and experienced government officials. In these weekly workshops, students actively engage in the policy-making process.

distinguished speaker series where national leaders from government, business, journalism, the military, and the academy provide unmatched insight into the true nature of public service and the country’s most pressing issues.

A series of outings and events, where students travel to places of national and historical interest in order to view politics through other lenses: including art, history, and military decision-making.

Past program events included:

Keynote address from Gen. Jack Keane
Lecture from Prof. Harvey Mansfield
Staff Ride of the Gettysburg Battlefield

Application Deadlines

Early decision applications are due December 20.
Final applications are due February 20

.Apply for Undergraduate Summer Fellowship