Recent Placements

The recent placement record of our students reflects the strength of our program and the overall quality and hard work of our students. Roughly half of our students take academic positions. Many others take research-oriented positions in government institutions like the Federal Reserve System, the US Treasury, the Department of Justice, and the Bank of England or in prestigious international organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Others choose to continue their research in the research divisions of firms such as Moody’s Analytics and Freddie Mac.


Ph.D. StudentJob TitleInitial PlacementThesis Title
Tae Hun ChangAssociate Research FellowKorea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI) “Essays on Latent Variables in Time-Series and Panel Econometrics”
Juno KimAssociate Research Fellow Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET)“Essays in Migration”
Anwita MahajanPostdoctoral ScholarUC San Diego“Essays in Public Economics”
Kyle MonkData ScientistMeta“Essays on the Economics of Digital Ranking Algorithms”
Tianshi MuAssistant ProfessorTsinghua University“Essays on Industrial Organization in Energy Markets”
Pedro Roje LarreboureSenior EconomistCentral Bank of Chile“Macroprudential Policies and Market Competition in Mortgage Lending Markets: Evidence for Chile”
Angelica Sanchez DiazLecturer (Assistant Professor)University of Exeter“TBD”
Bhavya SrivastavaYoung ProfessionalWorld Bank“Environmental Woes and Their Economic Echoes”
Christopher TuransickAssistant ProfessorBocconi University“Random Utilities and How to Find Them”
Yidi WuAssociateCornerstone Research“Essays in Vehicle Safety and Demand Elasticities”
Chengjun ZhangQuant AssociateMorgan Stanley“Essays on Consumer Heterogeneity and Personalized Discounts in an Online Market”


Ph.D. StudentJob TitleInitial PlacementThesis Title
Carolina Concha-ArriagadaAssistant Professor of Economics and
Columbia University, Teachers College“Essays in Education, Mobility, and Political Economy”
Cristian CuevasAssistant Professor Universidad de los Andes (Chile)“Essays in Safe Assets and the Macroeconomy”
Dongjae LeeEconomistCentral Bank of Korea“Essays on Macroeconomic Asymmetry and Monetary Policy”
Yihui FuChina Investment Corporation“Essays on Competition Effects in the Airline Market”
Menghan“Desk Rejection of Submissions to Academic Journals: An Efficient Screening Process?”
Ryan MansleyEconomistUS Department of Justice “Essays in Oligopoly Pricing Behavior”
JJ NaddeoEconomistUS Census Bureau“Essays on Political Economics and Crime”
Gretchen SileoAssistant ProfessorTemple University“Industrial Organization of Public Institutions”
Yingqi XuQuant Analysis SeniorFreddie Mac“Essays on Mortgage Curtailment”


Ph.D. StudentJob TitleInitial PlacementThesis Title
Kevin AnkneyAssociateCornerstone Research“Essays on Environmental Economics and Transportation”
Peter CaradonnaAssistant Professor of EconomicsCal Tech“Essays in the Empirical Theory of Preferences”
Jiadi ChenQuantitative Modeler-
Fannie Mae
Lawrence CostaEconomistFederal Housing Finance Agency“Essays on Education and Lifecycle Labor Market Outcomes”
Rachel FeldmanAssociateCornerstone Research“Three Chapters Evaluating Energy’s Bridges and Barriers: Fracking and Renewables”
Rodimiro RodrigoAssistant Professor of International BusinessGeorge Washington University School of Business“Automation and Labor Markets in Developing Countries”
Deniz SaninAssistant Professor of EconomicsUniversity of South Carolina“Essays in Development, Labor, and Gender Economics”
Mariel SiravegnaConsultantWorld Bank“Essays on the Gender Wage Gap and Intergenerational Mobility in the Presence of Sample Selection”
Daniel Valderrama-GonzalezExtended Term Consultant IIWorld Bank“Essays on the Political Economy and Economic Impact of Fiscal Policies”
Lina YuCapital One“Essays on the Monetary Policy, Housing Market, and Business Finance”
Weipeng Zhang“Essays on Artificial Intelligence, Reinforcement Learning, and Structural Econometrics”


Ph.D. StudentJob TitleInitial PlacementThesis Title
Gaurav BagweEconomistBates White Economic Consulting“Essays on the Economics of Voting”
Becka BrolinsonEconomistFederal Housing Finance Agency“Essays in the Economics of Electricity Consumption”
Maria Hernandez de BenitoAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Alicante“Essays in Gender and Development Economics”
Mosha HuangEconomistAmazon“Occupational Polarization Trends in the U.S. Economy and Low-Skilled Career Development”
Pedro JuarrosEconomistInternational Monetary Fund“Essays on Fiscal Policy”
Juan MargiticEconomic ConsultantInter-American Development Bank“Essays in Poverty and Political Economy”
Umberto MuratoriAssistant Professor of Economics Universidad del Rosario“Essays on Firm Dynamics and Labor Markets”
Jacquelyn PavilonDeputy DirectorCenter for Migration Studies in New York“Essays on the Impact of Immigration in Germany”
Michael PackardPrincipal Quantitative ModelerCapital One“Essays on the Economic and Social Impacts of Immigrations”
Nikoloz PkhakadzeInvited ProfessorInternational School of Economics at Tbilisi State University“Polarization in Communication Games”
Yangfan SunSun Yat-sen University“Essays on Mortgage Foreclosure and Risks to Lenders”
Yangyang WangAmazon“Consumer Learning and Firm’s Dynamic Pricing Strategy”


PhD StudentJob TitleInitial PlacementThesis Title
Alexander BillySenior DirectorBerkeley Research Group“Essays in Law and Economics”
Muran ChenEconomistAmazon“Cyclical Price Volatility: Role of Shopping Behavior and Customer Capital”
Elena DerbyEconomistJoint Committee on Taxation “Using Large-Scale Administrative Tax Data to Assess Housing and Retirement Policies”
Francisco GarridoAssistant ProfessorITAM – Business School“Mergers Between Multi-Product Firms with Endogenous Variety: Theory and Application to the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Industry”
Yidan JinPeople Research ScientistMercer“Essays on Trade Policies and Firm Performance in Developing Countries”
Madhulika KhannaEconomistEPoD Post Doc“Essays on Gender in Developing Countries”
Arsenii MishinAssistant ProfessorNational U – Russia“Essays on Financial Intermediation and Macroeconomic Policy”
Milan ThomasEconomistAsian Development Bank – Research Section“Economic Essays on Innovations for Development”


Ph.D. StudentJob TitleInitial PlacementThesis Title
Lei (Ray) GeQuantitative Modeler IIFannie Mae“Essays about Credit, Executive Compensation and Real Estate Markets”
Dongbo GuoQuantitative ResearcherBlackRock“Production and Consumption in Knowledge Market: Solving the Old Puzzles with New Techniques”
Gong LeeAssociate FellowKDI School of Public Policy and Management  “Two Essays on Dynamic Optimal Pricing”
Givi MelkadzeAssistant ProfessorGeorgia State“Essays on Uncertainty and Credit Market Frictions”
Dario SansoneAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Exeter“Essays in Applied Microeconomics”
Veli SafakAssistant ProfessorCarnegie Mellon University-Qatar“Essays on Multidimensional Search and Matching Models”
Allison StashkoAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Utah (Eccles)“Essays in Political Economy”
Kin-Ping (Jeremy) WongEconomistDigonex“Essays on For-Hire Vehicle Markets”



Government and Private Sector

American University

American Institutes for Research

Beijing Normal University

Banque de France

Capital University of Finance and Economics

Central Bank of Chile

Catholic University

Central Bank of Columbia

Christopher Newport University

Central Bank of Turkey

Georgetown University MSB (Post-Doc)


Gettysburg College

Ernst and Young

Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) Business School

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Smith College

Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Tsinghua University

Freddie Mac

United Arab Emirates University

Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)

Universidad Alberto Hurtado 

Moody’s Analytics

Universidad del Desarrollo 

U.S. Air Force Academy

University of Essex

U.S. Department of Justice

University of Groningen

U.S. Department of the Treasury

University of International Business and Economics

World Bank

University of Michigan




Government and 
Private Sector

Hope College

Asian Development Bank

Isik University (Turkey)


Lander University

Banco Central de Chile

Oregon State University

Ernst and Young

Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Federal Energy Regulatory Committee

Stanford Business School

Federal Reserve Bank

Süleyman Şah University

Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis

Taiwan University

HM Treasury (British Treasury Department).

Tiblisi State University

Iberian Gas Hub

University of British Columbia

International Monetary Fund

University of Richmond

Noble Group

University of Wisconsin-White Water

Price Waterhouse Cooper

Vassar College

SK Research


Wellington Management


Willis Towers Watson


World Bank