Undergraduate Research FAQ

Point of Contact: 

Dr. Behzad Diba, Director of Undergraduate Studies, dibab@georgetown.edu.

Philosophy of research:

Applying economic methodology to investigate novel questions or reexamine old ones in novel ways.

How to get started:

Students are introduced to research through their courses. They conduct research in various contexts: advanced courses, tutorials, internships and the Senior Thesis course. More information can be found at: https://econ.georgetown.edu/research/.

How to get connected with a faculty mentor:

Most students obtain a mentor by enrolling in the Senior Thesis course. Two faculty members are assigned to that course and serve as the thesis mentors. Other students find mentors for tutorials through their regular coursework or through internships.

Earning credit for undergraduate research:

The following courses offer credit for research: Internships for credit (ECON 2500). Senior thesis course (ECON 4961). Other advanced courses, e.g., Research Fieldwork & Analysis (ECON 4490).

Getting paid for research:

Faculty may hire undergraduate students as research assistants. All student employment is advertised through HoyaWorks.

Thesis or capstone research:

Students in the department perform research for their senior thesis (taking ECON 4961).