ILADES Working Papers

Collusion in the Private Health Insurance Market: Empirical Evidence for Chile
Claudio A. Agostini, Eduardo Saavedra and Manuel Willington. Junio 2008

Poverty and Inequality among Ethnic Groups in Chile
Claudio A. Agostini, Philip H. Brown and Andrei Roman. June 2008

Designing Fiscal Rules for Commodity Exporters
Carlos J. García, Jorge E. Restrepo and Evan Tanner.
Enero 2008
Collusion in a One-Period Insurance Market with
Adverse Selection
Alexander Alegría and Manuel Willington.
Diciembre 2007
Endogenous Verifiability and Optimality in Agency:
A Non-Contingent Approach
Roy Costilla and Manuel Willington.
Septiembre 2007
How Effective is Government Spending in a
Small Open Economy with Distortionary Taxes
Carlos J. García and Jorge E. Restrepo.
Agosto 2007
Cash Transfers and Poverty Reduction in Chile 
Claudio A. Agostini y Philip H. Brown.
Agosto 2007
Inequality at Low Levels of Aggregation in Chile 
Claudio A. Agostini y Philip H. Brown.
Agosto 2007
The Case for a Countercyclical Rule-based Fiscal Regime
Carlos J. García y Jorge E. Restrepo.
Julio 2007
Local Distributional Effects of Government Cash Transfers
in Chile
Claudio A. Agostini y Philip H. Brown.
Mayo 2007
Spatial Inequality in Chile
Claudio A. Agostini y Philip H. Brown.
Marzo 2007
Women Employment Transitions and Fertility
Marcela Perticara,
Abril 2006
Informal Markets, Perishability and Vertical Control: Brokerage of
Artisanal Landings
Julio Peña Torres.
Junio 2005
‘El Niño’ Effects and Biomass Endogeneity in a Harvest Function:
The Chilean Jack Mackerel Fishery
Julio Peña-Torres, Claudio Agostini y Sebastian Vergara.
Abril 2005.
Testing for Market Power under the Two-Price System in the
U.S. Copper Industry
Claudio Agostini.
Marzo 2005.