The Economics of Poverty
Rescheduled to Friday, February 5, 2016, 2:00 – 3:00pm in Riggs Library, Healy Hall
The Georgetown Economics Department
invites students, faculty and staff to a conversation with
Martin Ravallion
Edmond D. Villani Professor of Economics
Department of Economics
Georgetown University
on the publication of his new book:
The Economics of Poverty:
History, Measurement, and Policy
The Economics of Poverty reviews past and present debates on poverty, in rich and poor countries. It provides an accessible synthesis of economic thinking on key questions: How is poverty measured? How much poverty is there? Why does poverty exist? What can be done to reduce and even eliminate it?
The book provides both a global and historical perspective on thinking about poverty. While the bulk of the world’s poor live in the developing world, poverty remains a major concern in the rich world. The problem is global in relevance. It also has an important historical dimension given that today’s rich world was once as poor as today’s poor world. How that changed is an important development question in its own right.
You can learn more about the book at its website:
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